7 Apps That More People Should Try

6 min readOct 9, 2022

Sometimes you don’t really get a feel for how an app works by watching or reading reviews, let alone by viewing the Appstore or Playstore pages. A trial or free version is what is truly needed and if you simply learn that, no, this is not for you, then so be it. But every now and again, those apps that you could give a good try to, make it onto your homescreen.

Here are a few of those that I have spent time with that you may not have tested yet.

(1) Walling — Walling is back in my life. The more I thought about it since previously trying it, the more I thought that I liked the structure. Everything is a brick, and you use these bricks to build your walls. The analogies are good and the process works. It is one of those apps like Notion where you feel like you can do pretty much anything, but you need to see the links and connections and understand the kind of things you can create before fully venturing out on your own. Take your time, give it a try, and enjoy building those walls.




Written by Tosny

Sharing what I know, what I’ve read and what I think, or thereabouts.

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